Thursday 14 February 2008

I 'heart' Worcester Park

The phenomenon that is Valentines Day is upon us and the Brinkster fridge is stocked with scallops, oysters and bubbly... though I haven't quite worked what relevance the usual Valentines frippery has to do with commemorating the life/death of an obscure ancient Roman martyr... but then neither have I quite worked out why celebrating the birth of Jesus seems to make me want to by an iPod.

For me Valentines Day means two things. Firstly that Worcester Park restaurants will be heaving, with the hordes of the disorganised peering longingly through the windows. Secondly it means that there won't be anywhere to park on Brinkley Road as restaurant-goers joust for spaces and probably hold up all the other traffic in the process. All things considered staying in sounds like a good plan. Our record is having to park 25 houses away from our own on a busy night.

Your useless fact for the day is that until 1969 the Roman Catholic church apparently had 11 different St Valentines Days in the calendar.....

And click here -

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