Saturday 21 June 2008

TA Open Day

I think many men of "a certain age" will remember that one of the highlights of childhood would be those events that would come along a handful of times a year that involved soldiers, tanks, guns and generally anything that looked like it had potential to do damage. In this generation of elf-n-safety these events seem to be fewer in number but I still cherish distinct recollections of my hands-on encounter with a sten gun when aged seven which was the catalyst for playground scenarios for months afterwards.

Well, in case you haven't seen the little posters in shop windows on Central Road tomorrow, 22nd June 2008, is the Territorial Army open day at their Stonecot Hill base (turn left at North Cheam for the geographically challenged). I'm sure the Brinkster Clan will be there at some point clambering over vehicles and the like as it sounds like an excellent way to pass the time on Sunday that doesn't involve going near shops.........

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